Knowledge Hub

This part of the toolkit aims to provide relevant and evidence-based information to the owners and management of the apparel industry, through survey and research, on the basis of which stakeholders can take necessary actions or strategic plans. In today’s competitive world, the use and application of data or information is essential to survive. And it becomes necessary to take effective action in time. The economy of Bangladesh is heavily dependent on the garment industry and its workers are the lifeblood of the industry. So they have to take timely measures for their health or well-being. For this, the necessary information and data should be at hand. Below are some examples of research related to apparel sector –

What is knowledge?
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), the English philosopher, coined the idea that “ Knowledge itself is power” , perhaps implying that having and sharing knowledge is the basis of fame and influence, and therefore power and all achievement flow from it. . which is not limited to informing or knowing, but has the power to influence decision-making. Practical application of knowledge is also the key to moving forward.
Information is generated, data or data collection – through survey/research and through analysis or data processing it forms a meaningful structure, which creates something meaningful to communicate. We can thus say that education is learning from a structure or system (school, college or other academic institution), which refers to the formal instruction, training and institutionalized process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. Knowledge, on the other hand, refers to evidence-based knowing – information and skills acquired through acquisition and learning from various means such as experience, observation – practice. Scientifically derived results through research and studies that are evidence based (data analyzed and data collected). Most of the times knowledge is acquired by a person through his own life experience as well.

See more understanding the Learning Pyramid:

Note the structure, it is progressively usable starting from the bottom.


In this dedicated section, we delve into the intricate health issues that affect the human body, exploring the types of diseases that span various biological processes. We encourage you to explore this section and learn more about the different types of diseaes.